Homeward Bound

Travel frequently enough, dislocate yourself often enough at jet speed, and your culture shock matures into something else: not the shock of the new or the unknown, but the unsettling juxtaposition of the present and the very recent past. Here you are. But there you were. And all too often that contrast points, in my experience, to a gulf between meager resources and material excess too wide to comfortably accept.

~  David Oliver Relin, Second Suns  ~

In exactly one month, I plan to touch down at Logan International Airport for the start of five wonderful, crazy weeks of time at home! It will be great to see as many of you as possible, and to share life IN PERSON again, even if only for a short while. I’m looking forward to a LOT of laughter, hugs, long walks and ice cream!

Here’s a rough itinerary of my visit:
~  Boston, MA  ~  Oct 10
~  New York / Connecticut area  ~  Oct 11-14
~  Mt. Bethel, PA  ~  Oct 15-16 & 27-28
~  Williamsburg, VA  ~  Oct 17-19
~  Richmond, VA  ~  Oct 20
~  DC / Baltimore area  ~  Oct 21-26 & Nov 1-5
~  Lancaster, PA  ~  Oct 29-31
~  Louisville, KY  ~  Nov 6-8
~  Boston, MA  ~  Nov 9-10

If I’ll be in your neck of the woods at any point during this (strangely-like-a-concert-tour) schedule, shoot me an e-mail and we’ll make some plans!

Will you please also keep this time in prayer  —  that the transition to life at home (and back to life in Tansen afterwards) would be smooth, with plenty of time for refreshment, reflection, and a renewal of my purpose in serving here?

Thank you your presence here with me during this year. In its own, strange way there’s been something quite special about staying in touch despite (or perhaps because of) these many miles. But still… I can’t wait to be back, swapping a year’s worth of stories, breaking bread together, and simply spending time with y’all!  =)

Panoramic view looking northwest from Tansen

5 thoughts on “Homeward Bound

  1. See you in Louisville!

    Blessed travels!

    In Him,


    Scott P. Boyles, MDiv | Northeast Regional Director | Christian Medical and Dental Associations
    423.844.1092 (W) | 609.502.2078 (M) | 423.844.1090 (F)
    scott.boyles@cmda.org | http://www.cmda.org
    http://www.facebook.com/Scott.Boyles | https://twitter.com/cmdanortheast


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  2. Becca

    I thought you might be coming home as I saw your name on presentations at the FMEC meeting. That is awesome

    I will definitely be at the conferncr as FACTS members will give a few different presentations there. More importantly we will have a Meeting specificAlly for FACTs members in Sunday, the 26th so I hope you can join us

    Meanwhile I will pray for your safety as you travel home. Looking forward to seeing you!

    Kindly, Dr. Marguerite Duane

  3. Hi Dr McAteer,

    I’d love to catch up when you’re back in town! Let me know if that works within your schedule. Otherwise, I hope you have a great 5wks of vacay!

  4. Dear Rebecca –

    I am so happy to hear that you are coming home for a little visit next month. I know your people in Nepal will miss you but I am sure your family and friends are looking forward to seeing you and hearing more about your experiences.

    I can see you have planned a very busy schedule during your visit. Don’t know if this would ever fit into your plans but we are having an all class GCA reunion and Wall of Fame celebration on October 25th – all day celebration. Of course, we would all love to see you but understand your time is short and you have many people to see. Maybe you will be home by our next celebration in a year from now.

    Just know that you would be most welcome on the 25th!

    Thank you for all your posts during your time in Nepal. They have been so interesting and you have been a great gift to the people, I am sure. May God bless all your good work!

    Love, Sr. Ellen

  5. Hi Rebecca,

    Has it been a year already? Time has a way of slipping by so quickly. Your schedule is similar to a rock star…I guess that does fit you! I now that your time in the states and be home with Jessica, Dad and family will be exciting and restful, too. Please let Sr. Ellen and I know when you will be near White Plains and GCA. I so much want to see you and hear how life has impacted you this past year.

    Safe travels and enjoy every single minute of your time visiting and re-connecting. I’m so proud of you. Love and best regards to Jessica.

    Mrs. Fusco

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